Phantom Edger/Generator Coolant
An environmentally safe, water soluble, non-foaming lens grinding concentrate. Specifically formulated to provide lubrication, cooling, and rust prevention when grinding glass, plastic, or photochromic lenses. Prolongs the life of the wheels and tools.
- Will not gum up edgers
- Reduces diamond wheel friction, helping to prolong life of diamond wheel
- Eliminates foam build up
- Exceeds EPA standards
- Maximizes equipment efficiency
- Water based
- Odorless, Biocides keep fats, oils, stagnation, and accumulations broken down
- Concentrated, One gallon makes 80 gallons (302.74liters) of edger coolant or 40 gallons (151.37 liters) of generator coolant
- 1 quart (946ml) size bottle (Item#C470)
- 1 gallon (3.784 liters) size bottle (Item#C472).
Refer to Edger/Generator Coolant instructions on the container, and the MSDS.