Topcon 50X Digital Fundus Camera
Digital Conversion Imaging Software Features:
- Automatic Image Acquisition
- Easy image drag-and-drop inserting
- Image Editing and Manipulation
- Image Contrast, Brightness, Gamma, and Sharpening
- Image Annotation
- Image Comparison
- Side-by-Side Display for Stereo Pairs
- User-Definable Contact Sheet Building
- Side-by-Side Display for Comparison of Multiple Visits
- Cup-to-disk Ratio Measurement
- Automatic PDT drawing and analysis
- Linear Distance, Area and GLD Measurement Tools
- Image-to-Image Registering and Concurrent Drawing
- Magnifying Glass Tool, Automatic Zoom Tool, Negative Image Tool and many more
- Efficient backup and restore mechanism
- Direct burning to CD and DVD
- Customizable printout support
- Easy .jpg Export Tool for Power Point Presentations and Export to any destination you choose
- Network with multiple workstations for viewing in other locations
- DICOM image processing support to communicate with your EMR, PACS or practice management software application (optional)